Saturday, January 23, 2010


I've decided the names of the two most important characters. Alexandria and Christopher. I'm not sure about their last names, but for some reason these are the two names that keep coming to me. Alexandria will be the main character. They are both in their early twenties. Christopher is British and Alexandria is going to be from the States (not sure which one).

Everything is coming along fine. Just a little more brainstorming until I start writing.

I think the beginning will start with Alexandria having a "dream" about seeing her mom in Heaven. We'll see..

The Beginning

I have decided to start blogging my progress as I begin writing my own novel. Writing has always been my dream and I'd like to share it with everyone. This will keep me determine to continue to the end. I think creating this blog will also give me more ideas as I receive feedback from readers.

My story is about a young girl who's mother grants her a guardian angel for protection. I will post more details about plot and characters as they come.

Please follow as I will keep my progress updated.